
确定碱式氯化镁纳米棒干燥动力学参数的新方法 被引量:1

A New Method of Determining the Drying Kinetics Parameters for Basic Magnesium Chloride Nanorods
摘要 根据碱式氯化镁纳米棒干燥动力学实验数据,拟合得到的干燥方程为MR=exp[-(kt)n],干燥时间指数为n=1.8114,式中的干燥速率常数,k=Aexp(-CT/T)exp(-CLL)=Aexp[-(EV+RTCLL)/RT]=Aexp[-(EV+Ed)/RT]=Aexp(-E/RT),扩散活化能Ed=RTCLL,表观活化能E=EV+RTCLL。采用一种确定干燥动力学参数的新方法—等湿分比法,得到界面蒸发活化能为EV=15.399kJ·mol-1,长度常数CL=161.380m-1,温度常数CT=1852.177K,频率因子A=8.997min-1。 According to the experimental data of drying kinetics for basic magnesium chloride nanorods, the drying equation MR =exp[-(kt)n] and the drying index n=l.8114 were given, thereinto, the drying rate constant k = A exp(-CT / T) exp(-CLL) = .4 exp[-(Ev + RTCLL) / RT] = .4 exp[-(Ev + Ed) / RT] = A exp(-E / RT), the diffusion activation energy Ed = R TCLL ,the apparent activation energy E = Ev + R TCLL .Then, by using a new method which is called equal moisture ratio method to determine the drying kinetics parameters, the activation energy of interface evaporation Ev=15.399kJ-mol^-1 ,the length constant CL=161.380m^-1,the temperature constant Cr=1852.177K, and the frequency factor A= 8.997min^-1 were obtained.
出处 《干燥技术与设备》 CAS 2011年第6期308-314,共7页
关键词 碱式氯化镁 纳米棒 干燥速率常数 等湿分比 basic magnesium chloride nanorods drying rate constant equal moisture ratio
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