
强化轨道交通特色 创新培养模式 提高工程硕士培养质量 被引量:4

Raising the Quality of Training for Master of Engineering by Innovation with an Emphasis on Rail Transportation Engineering
摘要 面向轨道交通主战场,坚持"先习而后学"的工程教育理念,科学制定培养方案;以工程能力培养为主线,紧密结合工程实际,优化课程设置,改革教学内容与教学方法,丰富教学手段;强化实践环节,加强实践基地及工程型师资队伍建设,培养具有优秀职业素养和轨道交通特色的高层次工程技术及管理人才。 With the fast development of rail transportation, M. Eng. education should emphasize the training in practical skills supported by scientific plans, optimized curricula, effective teaching, and integration with actual construction projects. In this way, we will be able to train more high-level engineers and managers who will have both fine professional competence and rail transportation expertise.
出处 《研究生教育研究》 CSSCI 2011年第6期65-70,共6页 Journal of Graduate Education
关键词 创新 工程硕士 培养质量 轨道交通 innovation Master of Engineering education quality rail transportation
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