目的提高放射影像设备的维修效率以保障其高质量运行。方法基于对各种医疗仪器多年的维修实践,通过PICKER 6000CT机和GE-AMX+移动式床旁X射线机的维修实例,分析其故障原因及类型。结果总结出故障可分为5个主要类型和5个主要原因,分析了各故障原因和类型所占的百分比,归纳出医疗仪器的4个故障趋势,并根据这些规律提出保障医疗仪器运行质量与安全的7项措施。结论本文研究将有助于提高仪器设备的使用和维修效率,从而降低医疗成本。
Objective To improve the maintenance efficiency of radiographic equipments to guarantee equipment operation with high quality. Methods Based on many years of various medical equipment maintenance practices, PICKER 6000CT machine and GE-AMX + mobile bedside X-ray machine maintenance for instance, the author analyzed the failure reasons and types. Results The failures were divided into five main types and five major reasons. The percentages of failure causes and types were obtained, and four medical equipment failure trends and seven measures to guarantee the quality and safety of medical equipment were summarized. Conclusions This research will be helpful to improve the equipment efficiency of the utilization and maintenance to reduce the medical expense.
Beijing Biomedical Engineering