目的了解Tourette综合征(TS)患儿家长对TS的认知、态度及行为(知信行)水平现状,分析影响家长知信行的因素,为制定健康教育策略提供依据。方法采用自制的知信行调查问卷,对2008年11月-2010年10月就诊本院儿童保健科门诊的207例TS患儿家长进行调查。结果接受调查的家长中,70.5%(146/207例)认为TS是一种不良行为习惯,12.6%(17/207例)认为TS是一种神经精神性疾病,73.9%(153/207例)采取过责备惩罚的方式干预患儿不自主行为,92.8%(192/207例)认为TS对儿童的影响主要是运动性抽动或发声性抽动导致的形象问题。长期在三级医院就诊者占55.1%(114/207例);3个月内至少复诊一次者占53.6%(111/207例)。48.8%(101/207例)的家长按医嘱定时复诊;46.4%(96/207例)的家长对患儿的生活习惯遵从医嘱实施干预。多因素Logistic分析显示,家长受教育程度、症状严重程度、复诊频率及患儿就诊医院等级对于家长的知信行有影响。其中家长受教育程度和就诊医院等级与对患儿是否责骂惩罚(β'=2.056、-1.152,Pa<0.05)、是否规范患儿生活方式(β'=0.736、1.518,Pa<0.05)、危险因素知晓率(β'=-0.044、0.639,Pa<0.05)相关;患儿的复诊频率与TS危险因素知晓率相关(β'=2.217,P<0.05);患儿症状严重程度与症状消失时是否坚持用药相关(β'=-0.249,P<0.05)。结论 TS患儿家长对TS的知信行水平不理想,为更好地防治TS,必须改善患儿家长的知信行水平。
Objective To study the knowledge - attitude - practice (KAP) concerning Tourette syndrome (TS) in parents of children with TS and the related factors for the corresponding health education strategy. Method A total of 207 parents of children with TS were sur- veyed by a self - designed KAP questionnaire during Nov. 2008 to Oct. 2010. Results In the survey of parents,70.5% ( 146/207 cases) of them thought TS was a bad habit,while only 12.6% ( 17/207 cases) of them thought TS was a neuropsychiatric disease. Seventy - three point nine percent ( 153/207 cases) of parents took blame and scold to prevent abnormal involuntary movement; 92.8% ( 192/207 cases) of pa- rents thought the influence of TS on children was mainly appearance problems caused by twitch or vocal tics. Fifty - five point one percent (114/207 )of children with TS visited three levels of hospitals all the time ;53.6% (111/207 cases) of children visited hospital at least once 3 months. Forty - eight point eight percent ( 101/207 cases) of parents regularly visited doctors follow their advice; 46.4% (96/207 cases) of parents made adjust living habits of children follow doctors' advice. The multi - factors Logistic regression suggested that the parents' education background, severity of the symptoms, revisit frequency and the level of hospital visited had influence on the parents' KAP. Parents' education background and the level of hospital visited were related to punishment of children(β′ = 2. 056, -1. 152 ,Pa 〈 0.05 ), standarding life style of them (β′= 0.736,1.518, Pa 〈 0.05 ) and the ratio of knowing risk factors (β′= -0. 044,0. 639, P, 〈 0.05 ) ; the frequency of visi-ting hospital had an impact on the ratio of knowing risk faetors(β′ = 2. 217 ,P 〈 0.05 ) ; the severity of symptoms had an impact on whether keeping on taking medicine when symptoms disappeared(β′ = -0.249 ,P 〈 0.05 ). Conclusions Parental knowledge of TS is not unsatisfactory in proper attitude
Journal of Applied Clinical Pediatrics
Tourette syndrome
knowledge - attitude - practice
health education