在社会主义初级阶段存在着资本主义经济已经是不争的事实。这种经济的存在和发展有其客观的必然性。但是 ,社会主义初级阶段条件下的资本主义经济 ,有着自己的特点和规律 ,不同于资产阶级政权条件下的资本主义经济 ,它具有双重属性。我们应该避害趋利 ,按照“三个有利于”标准 。
It is beyond doubt that capitalist economy does exist within the primary stage of socialism. The existance and development of the capitalist economy are inevitable. However,this peculiar economic phenomenon,which is diffrent from that born under the capitalist system, has its own characteristics and law, that is , it has dual nature. Thus we should pursue the benefit and avoid the harm and, on the basis of the “three beneficial'principle, devote our major efforts to developing the capitalist economy under the restriction of the socialist system.
Economic Survey