汽车工业是技术密集型产业,具有规模效益、高附加价值、强关联度等特点。我国的汽车工业总体处于成长期,与发达工业国家相比落后15 ~20 年,尤其是轿车尚属幼稚工业。中国加入 WTO 后,各类汽车因产业发育程度不同而所受影响各异。因此,应及时调整其进出口政策,在不触犯WTO 规则的前提下,借鉴别国经验,灵活有效地运用关税政策,动态地处理好竞争与保护的关系。在开放国内汽车市场同时,还应设法将国内汽车产品推向国际市场。
Car industry is a kind of technical concentrated industry.It has mass effeciency、high attached value and Strong connecting power.Chinese car industry as a whole is still growing,it is 15—20 years backward compared with develoed industry countries.Sedan car manufacturing is especially immature.After China entered into WTO,all kind of car manufacturing have been influenced in varing degrees according to their maturity.Therefore,We should adjust the import and export policy of car industry,without breaking WTOS criterion,use the experience of other nations for reference,use tariff policy with flexibility and effeciency,dynamically handel the relationship between competion and protection.While opening up national car market,We should also manage to market national car product worldwide.
Finance & Economics