

On the Comparative Study of Orientation on Legal English Courses
摘要 近年来,随着法学教育探索培养国际型、复合型法律人才的开展,我国法律英语教学在大学迅速发展。但以拿来主义为主的教学实践先天缺乏相关的理论支撑,使得课程定位产生认识偏差,进而导致教学理念、课程设计、教学方式等一系列问题的出现。在法律英语的教学过程中,只有明确了相关法律英语课程教学中各有侧重的定位和内涵,并将教学和职业证书考试相结合,才能在法学高等教育和科研领域有的放矢地促进法学专业、学科乃至理论的良性发展。 The legal education has begun to explore the way to cultivate the internationalized and multi-talents. Early in the beginning of the 21 st century, legal English teaching has developed rapidly in the universities, but the simple " bring-ism" based teaching practice congenital lacks of relevant theoretical support, making the course orientation on the wrong way, which would further lead to a series of problems such as teaching idea, course design as well as teaching method. This article will start with the legal English course orientation in universities, and will analyze the origin of legal English, compare the concepts, clarify the misunderstanding in the legal different tendencies of the course under divergent orientation English teaching and clear the teaching concept and direction.
作者 李威
机构地区 河南工程学院
出处 《河南工程学院学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第4期87-92,共6页 Journal of Henan University of Engineering(Social Science Edition)
基金 河南省2010年高等学校青年骨干教师资助计划项目(2010GGJS-183)
关键词 法律英语 课程定位 比较研究 legal English orientation of the course comparative study
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