目的:为稳步推进优质护理服务,利用现代信息技术把时间还给护士,把护士还给患者,使护理工作高效、实时、移动化。方法:利用PDA及条形码技术,加强患者身份识别,对给药、治疗等关键环节进行跟踪,将护理文书从桌面应用推向移动应用,系统自动统计工作量并进行资源提取和整合。结果:使用条形码标签的病区护理不良事件中给药错误发生例数为0例,全院护理文件书写时间由原来的1.20±0.20h缩短到目前的0 33±0.08h,通过护理工作量的实时测算和护士休假情况,调配护士60余人次。结论:通过移动护理管理信息系统对护理相关信息存取流程进行优化,可以提高工作效率,保证患者安全,实现"以患者为中心"的整体护理,从而推动优质护理服务。
The objective for the study is to boost high quality nursing, via modern information technology, to achieve efficient, real-time, and mobile nursing. The management system will gradually improve the quality of nursing, and allow nurses to spend more times on providing high quality services for the patients. The study methods is to use PDA and bar code technology to increase accuracy for patient identification, to trace the critical processes including administration and treatment, to transfer the nursing management from paper document to mobile. The mobile nursing management system allows the performance of workload statistics automatically, and resource re-integration efficiently. The study results show that the number of adverse nursing event has been reduced to none in the ward employing the traceable management system. The average documentation time was also significantly reduced from 1.20±0.20 hours to 0.33 ±0.08 hours. Based on the real-time monitoring of nursing workload and absence of nurses due to vacation, up to sixty nurses were re-assigned. In summary, information access flow was optimized in our hospital by employing mobile nursing information management system, working efficiency was improved, patient safety was guaranteed, patient- oriented holistic nursing philosophy was realized, and the high quality nursing service was promoted.
China Digital Medicine
public hospital reform, nurse management information system, two dimensional bar code