以延安市宝塔区高坡到三十里铺段为例,以DEM为基础提取坡度、坡向及地形起伏度因子,再结合土地利用空间布局、植被多样性、地表水体、生态价值等生态因子,在ArcGIS空间分析模块下,通过叠加分析进行研究区土地生态敏感性与适宜性评价。参照评价结果,借鉴景观格局整体优化的方法,将研究区分为优先发展区、引导发展区、限制发展区和禁止发展区四类,根据各区适宜建设的程度范围来决定开发建设规模和范围,为丘陵沟壑地区土地利用格局的优化提供理论依据。结果表明,研究区内禁止开发区的面积为10.98 km2,占研究区总面积的53.80%,因此整个区域应以环境保护为主,在环境保护的基础上进行适当的开发建设活动。
Taking the suburb from Gaopo to Sanshilipu of Yan'an as a case,slope,aspect and relief were extracted from DEM,then combining with landuse pattern,vegetation diversity,surface water,ecological value and other eco-factors,ecological sensitivity and suitability were evaluated by using spatial overlay of spatial analysis in GIS.According to the results,referring to the method of landscape pattern optimization,the study area was devided into four parts including prior development zone,guided development zone,limited development zone,and prohibited development zone.Then the study decided the scale and scope of the development and the construction in accordance with the degree of construction suitability in different zones,thus provided theoretical basis for the optimization and regulation of land use pattern in hilly gully area.The results tell us that prohibited development zone is 10.98 km2,accounting for 53.80% of the whole study area,so the study area should give priority to ecological protection,and based on which,some appropriate development activities can be carried out.
Agricultural Research in the Arid Areas