
我国生态逆差及绿色贸易研究——基于隐含能的测算 被引量:2

Analysis of Deficit of Ecology and Eco-friendly Trade——Based on Energy Embodied in China
摘要 文章利用能源投入产出模型,对1997、2000、2002、2005和2007年我国对外贸易中的隐含能值和生态逆差值进行了测算。从结果中可知,我国是典型的隐含能净出口国,显示了我国在巨大的贸易顺差背后存在着严重的生态逆差现象,同时也说明了目前的贸易现状不利于国内的节能降耗。为了改善这种现状,文章以生态逆差值和贸易差额作为分类指标,将现有的产业分为"鼓励类"、"允许类"、"限制类"及"禁止类"等四类,并针对这四类产业提出不同的绿色贸易政策,以便更好地实现基于节能降耗的绿色贸易发展。 Using the energy input-output model, the paper calculates the energy embodied in the international trade of China and quantify the deficit of ecology for 1997, 2000, 2002, 2005 and 2007 respectively. The empirical results show that China is a typically net expert country of energy embodied, and there is a serious deficit of ecology behind the great surplus of trade in China, the current situation of China's international trade is not good for reducing the domestic energy consumption, too. According to the deficit of ecology and the balance of trade in the different industries, the paper reclassifies the current industries into the four types: the encouraged type, the allowed one, the limited type, the forbidden type. Finally, the paper proposes the different eco-friendly trade policies to the four types of industries in order to realize the eco-friendly trade development based on energy-saving and consumption-reducing.
作者 许冬兰 董博
出处 《华东经济管理》 CSSCI 2012年第1期63-67,共5页 East China Economic Management
基金 山东省社会科学规划项目(10CJGJ29)
关键词 生态逆差 绿色贸易 隐含能 能源投入产出模型 deficit of ecology eeo-friendly trade embodied energy energy input-output model
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