

Transient lower esophagealsphincter relaxation in young adults
摘要 目的 了解我国健康青年人一过性下食管括约肌松弛(TLESR)与酸反流的关系及脂肪含量不同的饮食对健康人TLESR和酸反流的影响。方法 采用下食管括约肌(LES)袖套式测压管、单晶锑pH 测定管,同步记录10 名志愿者空腹1 小时及餐后4 小时内的LES压力和食管pH 值。结果 酸反流均发生在LES压力低于2m m Hg 时,其中90.4% 发生在TLESR时。餐后酸反流显著增加( P< 0.01),TLESR及TLESR伴酸反流率也显著增加(P均< 0.01)。低脂餐与高脂餐对酸反流、TLESR及TLESR伴酸反流率的影响差异无显著性意义( P均> 0.05)。结论 TLESR是健康人酸反流发生的主要机制,健康人餐后酸反流增加主要是因为TLESR及TLESR伴酸反流增加。 Objectives (1) The relationship betw een acid reflux and transient low er esophagealsphincterrelaxation (TLESR) wasinvestigated.(2) The effectsofhigh and low fatm eal on TLESRand acid reflux observed .Methods Low eresophagealsphincter( LES) pressure and in- tralum inal acidity w ere silm ultaneously recorded 1 hour before and 4 hours after the m eal using esophagealm anom etry and pH m onitoring devices in 10 young volunteers.Results Acid reflux oc- curred definitely atLESpressurebelow 2 m m Hg ; 90.4% ofwhich being concom itantw ith TLESR. After them ealthe ratesofacid reflux,TLESRand thatofTLESR+ acid reflux augm ented apparent- ly ( P< 0.01, P< 0.01, P< 0.01 respectively ) . No significant difference w as noted betw een the effects ofhigh and low fatm ealson aboverates( P> 0.05,P> 0.05,P> 0.05 accordingly ) .Con- clusions (1)TLESRseem ed to be the m ain factor influencing acid reflux in norm alsubject.(2)The increase in postprandialacid reflux w as likely due to rise in rates ofTLESR and TLESR+ acid re- flux.(3)High fatm ealdid notexerteffecton TLESRand acid reflux in healthy individual.
作者 舒静 张启宇
出处 《中华消化内镜杂志》 1999年第6期337-340,共4页 Chinese Journal of Digestive Endoscopy
关键词 胃食管反流 一过性下食管括约肌松弛 TLESR Gastroesophagealreflux Transientlow eresophagealsphincter relaxation
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