
论市场经济条件下的法律效益目标 被引量:1

On the Goal of the legal Beneficial Result under the Conditions of Market Economy
摘要 任何社会的法律都存在着一个如何配置资源以求得效益的最大化问题,我国作为一个正在建立社会主义市场经济的国度,尤其要注重法律的效益性。文章认为法律效益有其广泛的现实价值,法律效益与法律正义有着不可分割的互动关系,市场经济条件下存在着独有的法律效益目标。 There exists in every axiety the problem of how people should allocate the meurces in order to achieve the greatest benefit. China, which is in the course of establishing the axialist tnarket econorny, should pay more attention to the beneficial result of the law. This essay argues that the Iegal beneficial result is of great realistic value and it has a very close interaction with the legal justice. Therefore, there exists the unique goal of the legal beneficial result under the conditions of market econmy.
作者 杨立平
机构地区 长沙大学工程系
出处 《长沙大学学报》 1999年第3期30-32,共3页 Journal of Changsha University
关键词 法律效益 法律正义 资源配置 市场经济 legal beneficial result, legal justice, allocation of resources
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  • 1司法部法学教材编辑部编审,张文显.法理学[M]法律出版社,1997. 被引量:1
  • 2(美)博登海默(Bodenheimer,E.)著,邓正来,姬敬武.法理学-法哲学及其方法[M]华夏出版社,1987. 被引量:1


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