最近,选用N 型体材料碲镉汞(Hg1- xCdxTe) 作衬底,成功制备了平面PonN 结构的光电二极管。文中报道了制备各个波段PonN 结的一些进展。碲镉汞平面PonN 结采用砷掺杂在N 型衬底上形成P区,砷掺杂由砷离子注入加上退火扩散形成。对PonN 二极管的电流电压关系温度特性的研究表明:直到140K,长波(λc = 9 .1μm)PonN 结的暗电流以扩散电流为主。制备了从中波到长波各个波段的碲镉汞PonN 结构红外探测器。目前,对于λc = 5 .2μm 的器件,R0 A 值达到68Ωcm2 ,黑体探测率D*bb(500K) 可达2 ×1010cm Hz1/2/ W;对于λc = 14 .5μm 的器件,R0 A 值达到0-2Ωcm2 ,黑体探测率D*bb(500K) 可达1 ×109cm Hz1/2/ W。
The planar P\|on\|N Hg\-\{1- x \}Cd\- x Te photodiodes were fabricated sucessfully on N\|type bulk substrates. Some new results of an expanded range of infrared operation are presented in this paper. The P\|on\|N planar devices consist of an arsenic\|doped P\|type layer atop a N\|type bulk substrate. The planar junctions were formed by selective pocket diffusion of arsenic deposited on the surface by ion implantation. Detailed analysis of the current\|voltage characteristics of these diodes (λ\-c=9.1μm) as a function of temperature shows that their dark currents are diffusion\|limited down to 140K. The R \-0 A products of 68Ωcm\+2 were obtained at 80K with cut\|off wavelength of 5.2μm, and its blackbody detectivity D \+*\-\{bb\}(500K) was greater than 2×10\+\{10\}cmHz\+\{1/2\}/W. Here the results of a P\|on\|N photodiode with cut\|off wavelength at VLWIR (14.5μm) were also presented, and its blackbody detectivity D \+*\-\{bb\}(500K) was greater than 1×10\+9cmHz\+\{1/2\}/W.
Infrared and Laser Engineering