长期以来,科研人员、放射科专家及核医学专家都在致力于MR/PET联合成像技术的研究。这一联合技术结合了MR成像所特有的性质(如极好软组织对比度、高空间和时间分辨率及组织功能成像)和PET成像所具有高灵敏度特性,因而在临床疾病诊断方面具有重大应用前景。西门子近期推出的Biograph mMR系统率先在3TMR成像仪上完全融合了PET检测装置,是首款实现同步数据采集的全身MR/PET成像系统。本文阐明了Biograph mMR系统的整合技术,展示MR/PET全身成像的工作流程并给出了初步的临床研究结果。
Researchers, radiologists, and nuclear medicine physicians have actively been working on the advent of the MR/PET hybrid imaging modality for a long time. Combined the excellent soft tissue contrast, high spatial and temporal resolution, and functional tissue parameters that MR provides with the high sensitivity of PET, this new imaging modality holds the promising application prospect for the clinical diagnosis. Recently, Siemens has launched a 3.0 Tesla whole-body MR hybrid system that hosts in its isocenter a fully integrated PET detector, which enables whole-body simultaneous MR/PET imaging. In this article, the integration techniques for the Biograph mMR system is shown, the workflow of a MR/PET whole-body hybrid exam and the first image examples from clinical findings are presented.
Chinese Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging