脉冲编码调制(pulse code modulation,PCM)是最基本和最常用的模拟信号数字化方法.由于抗干扰能力强,被广泛应用于数字通信领域.本文在介绍了PCM编码原理基础上,以LabVIEW软件为平台对PCM编译码的方法和过程仿真.仿真软件可实现多种信号类型的PCM编译码实现,为人们理解PCM编译码提供了简单、直观方法.
The Pulse Code Modulation(PCM) ,which is one of the most fundamental and commonly-used coding system,has been widely applied to digital communications because of its strong anti-jamming capability. This paper introduces th based on LabVIEW. This e principles of PCM coding, de simulation software can achieve velops user-friendly PCM coding simulation software the PCM coding/decoding of various types of signals provides a simple and intuitive way for people to understand the PCM coding/decoding system.
Journal of Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology