针对目前图书馆桌面系统部署工作存在的耗时长、强度大、效率低的缺点,采用Ghost和Snap Deploy等软件,通过创建和恢复映像的方法,实现操作系统和应用软件的快速、批量和集中部署,并阐述了桌面系统部署的原则以及在管理方面应注意的几个方面。
Dealing with the existing problem of time-consuming, high intensity, low efficiency of OS deployment of library, using Ghost and Snap Deploy software, by the way of creating and restoring images, achieve the rapid, concentrat- ed and batched deployment of OS and application software. The paper also explained the principles of desktop OS deployment and several aspects in management.
Journal of Library and Information Sciences in Agriculture