Shiyanghe and Heihe rivers,situated in the east part of Hexi Corridor, Gansu province, are two typical rivers in the arid and semi-arid area. According to the groundwateic helium isotope composition,most samples collected from these two river basins are of meteoric characteristics. Theirδ 3He values range from -93. 8%-181.4%,but most of them are close to the atmosphere helium with δ3He ranging between -20- +20%. 3He/20Ne distribute in the range of 4. 65×10-7.7. 43×10-7,which is slightly higher than that of the air,indicating that their origin is mainly from the lneteoric water. In the northwest of Wuwei basin,Shiyanghe river the 3He/4He values of groundwater is lower than atmosphere helium in 1-2 magnitude of orders,implying that the mixing of radiogenic helium from adjacent granite bodies in which abundant minerals containing U and Th are observed. The decay of U and Th can produce a large amount of 4He resulting in the excess of helium in the groundwater. The eminent accumulation of radiogenic hellum shows that the circulation period of groundwater in this area could be 1000 years. Along the hidden fault in the front of the Qilian Mountains can observe the much higher 3He/4He values with δ 3He ranging from 70%-180%,indicating that the eminent contribution of mantle helium which implies that the Fault is still active.
Acta Sedimentologica Sinica