从冯小刚的《唐山大地震》英译名After Shock谈起,以新兴的功能目的论作为研究基础,大力提倡以AIDA原则为取向的中文电影片名翻译方法。这也就是要求译者在译文中努力实现电影片名的四种基本功能,即信息功能、表情功能、美感功能和祈使功能。最后根据目的性法则,译者可以采用任何翻译策略和方法来实现中文电影片名翻译的最终目的。
Inspired by the English film title Shock of Feng Xiaogang's 《唐山大地震》,This paper aims to analyze the translation of Chinese film titles from the functional perspective in the hope of elaborating the application of Skopos Theory and finding a guiding theory oriented by AIDA principle.Its ultimate purpose is to challenge the translator to produce target titles with four defined functions: informative,expressive,aesthetic and vocative function.Thus the translator is creatively free to choose any translation strategies to serve the particular functions and finally realize the Skopos of the translation.
Journal of Hebei Polytechnic University:Social Science Edition