通过对苯胺初始浓度、流速、初始pH值和吸附床高度对穿透曲线的影响进行探讨,采用BDST模型和Thomas模型对动态实验数据进行线性拟合分析,研究了麦草对水中苯胺的动态吸附性能。结果表明:麦草能够有效地去除水中的苯胺,随着吸附床高度增加,穿透时间延长;而随着苯胺初始浓度、流速和pH值的增大,穿透时间急剧缩短。BDST模型能够准确地预测新的操作条件下的穿透时间,误差均<5%;Thomas模型能够很好地描述麦草对苯胺的动态吸附动力学,由Thomas模型获得的麦草吸附柱对苯胺的动态吸附量与实验值相符。对吸附饱和后的麦草可用0.6 mol/L盐酸进行解吸。
The adsorption of aniline onto wheat straw was investigated using fixed-bed adsorption, The effects of inlet aniline concentration, feed flow rate, solution pH and wheat straw bed height on the breakthrough characteristics of the adsorption system were determined. At the same time,the BDST and Thomas models were applied to simulate fixed-bed adsorption data and to gain the characteristic parameters of the two models using linear regression. The results showed that wheat straw as an adsorbent to remove aniline from aqueous solution was efficient. The filler height increasing result in a extension of breakthrough time, while the increase af the flow rate, solution pH and the initial concentration of aniline lead a sharp decrease of breakthrough time, The break- through time at different flow rates and initial concentrations is forecasted accurately by the BDST model (error 〈 5% ). Thomas model is found suitable for describing the kinetics of fixed-bed adsorption,and the balance adsorption capacities from the Thomas model are close to the values of the experiments. Desorptian of saturated wheat straw could use hydrochloric acid whose concentrition was 0.6 mol/L.
Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering