BSP(Board Support Packet)是介于硬件和实时操作系统VxWorks之间的底层软件开发包,为VxWorks系统提供了标准的硬件接口函数,保证了VxWorks系统能够运行在不同的硬件平台上。介绍了BSP的概念,并以嵌入式微处理器MPC8280构成的硬件平台为例详细介绍了BSP的开发过程。
BSP(Board Support Packet) is the software between hardware and VxWorks Real-Time Operation System, which provides VxWorks with standard hardware interface functions and enable it to run on a specific board. This article introduces BSP conception and the process of designing a BSP on the hardware platform based on embedded microprocessor MPC8280.
Computer Systems & Applications