为了对现有玉米自交系产量等性状进行详细了解和在新品种选育中指导亲本组配,按Griffing双列杂交方法Ⅳ对5个玉米自交系进行杂交。对获得的10个杂交组合株高、茎粗、穗位高、单株粒重、叶面积、穗鲜重、单株鲜重和小区生物产量8个性状进行了测定,根据测定结果对自交系的配合力进行了分析。结果表明:除穗位高、叶面积的特殊配合力外,组合间各性状的一般配合力和特殊配合力差异显著;试验筛选出了2个优良的自交系Fm 24-1和77-1,筛选出2个优良组合Fm 24-1×青226-1和H4171-2×77-1。
5 maize inbred lines were crossed by Griffing Ⅳ design for new variety breeding and then the 10 crosses were evaluated.The combining ability of inbred lines for plant height,stem diameter,ear height,grain weight per plant,leaf area per plant,fresh ear weight per plant,fresh weight per plant and organism yield per plot were analyzed.The results showed that the difference of general combining ability(GCA)and special combining ability(SCA)for plant height,stem diameter,leaf area per plant,fresh ear weight per plant,fresh weight per plant and organism yield per plot were significant except the SCA of ear height and grain weight per plant.Fm24-1 and 77-1 were found to be elite maize inbred lines.And Fm 24-1/Qing 226-1 and H4171-2/77-1 were two good combinations.
Heilongjiang Agricultural Sciences