
风险、偏好与企业创新决策研究 被引量:2

Risk,Preference and Decision-making of Enterprise Innovation Research
摘要 1997—2006年10年间,许多企业依靠模仿性创新战略取得了成功,模仿性创新成功论热潮在全世界掀起。然而在2008年金融危机冲击下,模仿性创新企业纷纷陷入困境,自主性创新企业却迎来新的契机,自主性创新战略也由此被置于前所未有的高度。文章从企业决策的视角出发,把风险态度引入企业创新行为的研究中,深入剖析决策者的风险感知、风险偏好和企业动态能力对创新模式决策的作用机制,为企业创新行为研究引入了新的思路。 Between a decade from 1997 to 2006, a lot of enterprises which relayed on imitative innovation had succeeded, and the advocacy of imitative innovation was on the upsurge all over the world. However in 2008, under the impact of financial crisis, many imitative innovation enterprises got into trouble and independent innovation enterprises took a new chance. Then, the strategy of independent innovation was placed at unprecedented height. From the perspective of enterprise decision-making, this article which takes risk attitude into the study of enterprise innovation behavior has completed an in-depth analysis of the mechanism behind the influence from decision-makers' risk perception, risk preference and dynamic capability to enterprise innovation behavior. It brings a new thought in the study of enterprise innovation behavior.
出处 《改革与战略》 北大核心 2011年第11期155-157,共3页 Reformation & Strategy
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(批准号:71072169) 西南财经大学"211工程"三期重点学科建设项目
关键词 模仿性创新 自主性创新 风险感知 风险偏好 动态能力 imitative innovation independent :innovation risk perception risk preference dynamic capability
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