目的:分析医用直线加速器输出剂量稳定性及其影响因素。方法:采用SPSS15.0统计分析软件,统计2009年每日治疗病人前监测6 MV、15 MVX射线,和9 MeV、12 MeV电子线输出剂量数据,分析医用直线加速器不同能量输出剂量的稳定性及其影响因素,提出加速器输出剂量质量保证的相关措施。结果:4档能量中的3档能量(9 MeV,12 MeV,15MV)输出剂量K-S检测双尾渐进概率P值分别为0.428、0.933、0.355均大于显著性水平0.05,符合正态分布。由于加速器微波源输出不稳定,6 MV输出剂量1月到3月,从98.4%连续不断漂移上升到102.5%。6 MV K-S检测双尾渐进概率P值是0.012小于显著性水平0.05,不符合正态分布。结论:直线加速器输出剂量的稳定性是肿瘤放射治疗治疗质量保证的重要方面。每日治疗肿瘤病人前监测和直线加速器输出剂量,分析直线加速器输出剂量的稳定性,有助于降低加速器系统误差,提高患者治疗剂量的精度。
Purpose: This paper tries to analyze the output stability and the main influent factors of a medical linear accelerator. Methods: With the help of SPSS15.0,the paper statistic the output dose of 6 MV、15 MV photon and 9 MeV、12 MeV electron of medical linear accelerator measured before the daily treatment in the whole year 2009,analyze the output stability of medical linear accelerator and the main influent factors,and take some countermeasures to assure the quality of radiation therapy.Results: The K-S tests of the output dose of 3 of the 4 energies(6 MeV,15 MeV,15 MV) are submitted to normal distribution(P 0.05).Because of the RF driver malfunction,the output dose of 6 MV increased continuously from 98.4% to 102.5%,between the first month to third month.The K-S tests of the output of 6 MV are not submitted to normal distribution(P0.05).Conclusions: The output stability of medical linear accelerator is important to assure the quality of radiation therapy.Based on the output dose measurement before daily treatment,the analysis of the linear accelerator output stability helps to decrease the system error and aprove the accuracy of therapy dose.
Chinese Journal of Medical Physics
medical linear accelerator
quality assurance