

A Probe into Yu Haion Its Quotations of the Missing Texts of Shi Ji Zheng Yi:One of the Serial Studies on Missing Texts of the Book as Quoted in Song-Dynasty Works
摘要 唐人张守节《史记正义》,系学术价值最高的《史记》古注之一。宋人合刻《史记》三家注时,以《史记集解索隐》为本注,以《正义》为增注附刻其内。编刻者为减少与《索隐》注文的重复,对《正义》删削独多。自《史记集解索隐正义合刻本》风行于世,单本《史记正义》遂湮没以至失传,明人已无缘复睹《正义》全貌。20世纪初叶,日本泷川资言从传入彼邦的《史记》古本栏外标注,手辑《正义佚存》一千余条,后散入《史记会注考证》相应《史》文之下,自谓"略复张氏之旧"。然而宋人吕祖谦、王应麟、胡三省等人著作中大量征引单本《史记正义》,泷川均未寓目。笔者从王应麟《玉海》辑得所引《正义》105条,其中67条为《史记》三家注合刻本所遗佚。这批《正义》佚文对深入理解《史记》文义甚有价值,尤其是所引张华《博物志》,为解决司马迁生年疑案提供了确切的文献根据。 Shi Ji Zheng Yi, by Zhang Shoujie (? - ?) of the Tang dynasty (618 -907), is one of the most valuable works of annotation to Shi Ji (Historical Records ) by Sima Qian (145 or 1357 B.C. - 87? B. C. ). When the three most important annotations to Shi Ji were combined during the Song dynasty (960 -1279), however, the other two, i.e. Shi Ji Ji Jie by Pei Yin ( ? - ?) and Shi Ji Suo Yin by Sima Zhen ( ?-?), were considered as primary contents, whereas Shi Ji Zheng Yi became secondary supplements. In or-der to avoid repetitions, the editors chose to delete many of the contents of the latter. With the prevalence of the 3-in-1 edition, the separate version of Shi Ji Zheng Yi was less and less available, and by the time of the Ming dynasty (1368 -1644) it was totally lost. In the early 20th century the Japanese scholar Takekawa Ka-metaro ( 1865 - 1946) retrieved over a thousand missing notes of the book from the marginal notes of a copy of Shi Ji that had been introduced to Japan in ancient times. These were later incorporated in the related parts of his Collected Annotation and Examination of Shi Ji, and, as he himself put it, "have recovered to some extent the original text of the book had been Zhang Shoujie". But what was unknown to him was that quotations from separate editions of frequently seen in the works of many Song-dynasty scholars such as Lu Zuqian ( 1137 -1181 ), Wang Yinglin ( 1223 - 1296) and Hu Sanxing ( 1230 - 1302). The author of the present paper has collected 105 notes from Wang Yinglin' s Yu Hal, of which 67 are not available in the above-mentioned 3-in-1 edition of annotation. These retrieved notes prove of great value to the deeper understanding of Shi Ji. The notes on Bo Wu Zhi ( A Record of Natural History) by Zhang Hua (232 - 300) are particularly important, as they provide the documentation for the birth date of Sima Qian.
作者 袁传璋
出处 《浙江师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第6期1-26,共26页 Journal of Zhejiang Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 全国高等院校古籍整理研究工作委员会项目"宋人著作征引<史记正义>佚文研究"(1105)
关键词 《玉海》 《史记正义》 佚文价值 Yu Hai Shi Ji Zheng Yi value of the missing text of Shi Ji Zheng Yi
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