75例确诊或怀疑为强直性脊柱炎(AS)的病人,HLA-B27的检出率为90.6%,120例健康人的检出率为0.8%,两者差异性极为显著,P<0.001.75例中15例具有家族史,占20%,又通过两个 AS 家系 HLA-B27的检测分析,都进一步说明 B27与该病的高度相关性和遗传性。75例中24例原来怀疑为AS,经测 B27为阳性者17例,再结合临床资料,最后确诊为 AS。说明 B27的检测是AS 早期诊断的一项有价值指标。9例葡萄膜炎病人中5例检出 HLA-B27,阳性率为55.5%,与北京张晓艳的报告近似。
Seventy-five patients with AS including the suspected and 120 healthy persons have been detected.The positive frequency of HLA-B27 is 90.6% and 0.8% respectively.The frequency of HLA-B27 in the AS group is significantly higher than that in the healthy group,P<0.001. Of 75 patients,15 have family history (20%),The analyses of HLA- B27 were done in the another 2 families with AS,the results of analyses further explain there is a closing association between HLA-B27 and AS. In 75 patients the 24 suspected were detected and 17cases were finally diagno- sed through the detection of HLA-B27 and other clinical data.These show that the detection of HLA-B27 is a valuable diagnostic mark of AS.
Academic Journal of Guangzhou Medical College