本文研究了五种常见寄主对瓜实蝇Dacus cucurbitae Coquillett实验种群增长的影响。用五种寄主(黄瓜、水瓜、南瓜、苦瓜和西瓜)饲养的瓜实蝇,对未成熟期各阶段(卵,幼虫,蛹)的发育历期和成活率的影响差异不显著。但对成虫寿命和繁殖力的影响因寄主不同而差异很大。具体表现在平均世代历期,总卵量和孵化率等方面。本文求出了一系列反映瓜实蝇实验种群生长的重要参数,包括繁殖价,以及瓜实蝇各发育阶段在稳定种群中所占的比例。
A comparative study on the five population of native melon fly, Dacus cucurbitae Coquillett, fed with five different hosts was carried out in laboratory at 25℃, The results showed that there were not significant difference in the durations and survival rate of immature stages. But, the longevities and fecundities were different with different hosts. A series of population parameters including reproductive value and the percentage of stages in the stable age distribution were obtained.
Ecological Science