各向异性非均匀介质中静态平面温度场问题与反平面应变、应力场问题近年来曾被许多作者研究过。在文献[1]中,David.L. Clements and C.Rogers在特殊情况下应用边界元方法得到了通解所满足的边界积分方程。本文将这二个问题化到广义解析函数的边值问题,并且在文献[2]的基础上,提出了各向异性非均匀弹性介质中静态平面温度场问题与反平面应变、应力场问题的应力边值问题和位移边值问题的一种计算方法。采用这种方法,容易得到这二个边值问题的数值结果。最后,本文对具体例子进行讨论并且给出了该问题的数值结果。
The problems of the static plane temperature field and anti—plane stressfield with anisotropic inhomogeneous medium have been studied by many authorsin recent years. For example, the solution of a kind of boundary value problemson the anisotropic inhomogeneous thermostatics and elastostatics is obtainedin terms of a boundary integral equation (David. L. Clements and C. Ro-gers [1]). But the general results of boundary value problems of the two pro-blems have not been obtained so for. In this paper, we have used the methodpresented in the paper [2] and the generalized analytic function theory tostudy above problems In this paper, we have obtained the computing method of static planetemperature fieldt and anti-plane stress field with anisotropic inhomogeneousmedium. Finally, we have discussed a concrete problem in detail and calculatedist numerical results.
Journal of Transport Science and Engineering
temperature field
generalized analytic function
variational and difference method