Based on airborne geomagnetic survey, gravitational and artificial earthquake, four subdivided layers have been recognized in Guangxi, i.e. the sedimentary rock layer, the metamorphic rock layer ( shallow geomagnetic focus layer) , the granitic layer and the basaltic layer (deep geomagnetic focus layer). Compared geomagnetic field and crustal layers with the historial earthquake, the distributional regularities of the earthquake focus have been summarized. These regularities are as follows.
The earthquake focus distributed in shallow geomagnetic focus and deepened gradationally from southeastern Guangxi to northwestern Guangxi, so do the shallow geomagnetic focus. The epicenter was mainly occurred on bordered region between high geomagnetic and low geomagnetic fields, or upwarping and downwarping regions. The major fault group controlled earthquakd was northwestern direction: In term of gravitational geomagnetic field, we may discuss the regional stabilization and earthquake prediction, and also distinguish earthquake intensity with relationship between earthquake and geomagnetic field.