庐山大气降水中离子浓度随高度降低而增高,但 pH 值减小。锋面过境降水与变性高压西南侧降水中各种离子浓度以及山下与山上测点离子浓度比有明显差异,这可能与气流来向和污染源的分布有关。气溶胶对降水中 SO<sub>4</sub><sup>=</sup>贡献为91.0%。气流不同来向影响气溶胶浓度。不同天气过程、不同离子的云下冲刷过程是不同的。
The analysis results show that the ion concentration in the rainwater increased with reducingof sampling altitude in Lushan Mountain,but the pH value was opposite trend with altitude.Also,the ion concentration of the precipitation in the rear of the high is different from that of thefrontal precipitation,and the ratio of the concentration at the root of the mountain to the concen-tration at the top of the mountain is also different between the two precipiation systems abovementioned.It would be related to the direction of air flow and the distribution of the pollutionsources.The contribution of aerosol to SO_4~= in precipitation was 91.0%.The direction of air flowimpacted on the concentration of aerosol.The washout process for different weather and ion con-ditions also was not similar.
Journal of Applied Meteorological Science