本文探讨了生长调节剂 MET 和 BR 对小麦穗器官发育、穗粒数和粒重形成的影响。分析了小麦穗粒重形成过程、过氧化物酶活性、内源 ABA 和 GAs 含量及功能叶片光合强度在处理问的差别。结果表明:药隔期叶面喷洒 BR 对穗基部和顶部弱势小穗、外围弱势籽粒有促进作用。MET 却对强势籽粒的干物质积累有抑制作用。经 MET,BR 处理后,旗叶光合强度均有不同程度的增加,效果随处理后时间的延续而逐渐降低。在粒重形成过程中,内源 ABA、GAs 含量和过氧化物酶活性的变化均与籽粒建成、灌浆、成熟进程各发育期相对应。
The effects of growth regulators,MET and Epi BR,on the develop- ment of spike organs and the formation of grain number and grain weight of wheat were studied.The differences among treatments in grain weight fommation process, penoxidase activity,contents of endogenous ABA and GAs and photosythetie inten- sity of flag leaves were also analyscd.The results indiceted that Epi BR had prom- oting effect on the devolopment of base and top infenior spikelets and outside in- ferior grains when leaves were sprayed during connective stage,while MET had inhibiting effect on dry matter acoumulation of superior grains.The photosythetic intensity of flag leaves,which were treated with MET or EPi BR,increased with different extents but their effects decreased with the time after treating.During grain weight formation,changes of endogenous ABA and GAs contents and peroxi- dase activity corresponded to various stages of grain formation,filling and matu- ration.
Journal of China Agricultural University