The effects of acupuncture on blood pressure,microcirculation of bulbar conjunctiva andhemorheology in spontaneous hypertensive rats (SHRs) were observed.The mechanism ofacupuncture to lower blood pressure is discussed from the viewpoint of microcirculation andhemorheology.SHRs and Wistar rats of both sexes weighing about 250g were divided into three groups:1.Acupuncture group of 15 SHRs,in which Quchi (LI 11) and Taichong (Liv 3),Hegu (Li 4)and Zusanli (St 36) were selected and punctured twice a day with the needle retained for 15minutes and the reducing method by twisting and twirling the needle used,15 days constituting a course;2.Control group of 10 SHRs;3.Control group of 10 normal Wistar rats.All rats in groups 2 and 3 were treated in the same way as in Group 1 except for theacupuncture.It was found that the morphology and blood flow of bulbar conjunctiva microcirculation inSHRs were obviously abnormal:the capillaries with blood flow were reduced in number,thearterioles were spasmodic and of smaller diameter,the venules were dilated due to bloodstasis which showed a slow granular flow of blood,the blood viscosity was increased,hematocrit increased,and the time for RBC electrophoresis prolonged.The blood was in astate of high viscosity,high concentration and high aggregation.After acupuncture treat-ment the blood pressure not only fell,but the morphology and blood flow of bulbarconjunctiva microcirculation and the hemorheology of SHRs all improved remarkably.The results suggest that abnormal microcirculation and changes in hemorheology can in-crease the peripheral resistance leading to high blood pressure;and the mechanism ofacupuncture in lowering blood pressure is obviously closely related to the improvement ofmicrocirculation,correction of high viscosity,high concentration and high aggregation ofblood,decrease of peripheral resistance and a balanced hemodynamics.
The effects of acupuncture on blood pressure,microcirculation of bulbar conjunctiva and hemorheology in spontaneous hypertensive rats (SHRs) were observed.The mechanism of acupuncture to lower blood pressure is discussed from the viewpoint of microcirculation and hemorheology. SHRs and Wistar rats of both sexes weighing about 250g were divided into three groups:1. Acupuncture group of 15 SHRs,in which Quchi (LI 11) and Taichong (Liv 3),Hegu (Li 4) and Zusanli (St 36) were selected and punctured twice a day with the needle retained for 15 minutes and the reducing method by twisting and twirling the needle used,15 days consti tuting a course;2.Control group of 10 SHRs;3.Control group of 10 normal Wistar rats. All rats in groups 2 and 3 were treated in the same way as in Group 1 except for the acupuncture. It was found that the morphology and blood flow of bulbar conjunctiva microcirculation in SHRs were obviously abnormal:the capillaries with blood flow were reduced in number,the arterioles were spasmodic and of smaller diameter,the venules were dilated due to blood stasis which showed a slow granular flow of blood,the blood viscosity was increased, hematocrit increased,and the time for RBC electrophoresis prolonged.The blood was in a state of high viscosity,high concentration and high aggregation.After acupuncture treat- ment the blood pressure not only fell,but the morphology and blood flow of bulbar conjunctiva microcirculation and the hemorheology of SHRs all improved remarkably. The results suggest that abnormal microcirculation and changes in hemorheology can in- crease the peripheral resistance leading to high blood pressure;and the mechanism of acupuncture in lowering blood pressure is obviously closely related to the improvement of microcirculation,correction of high viscosity,high concentration and high aggregation of blood,decrease of peripheral resistance and a balanced hemodynamics.