Three years' study indicates that TN. TP BOD. Chla and the density of plankton,zooplankton and colibaccillus in the region of Mazhuang net-cage fishculture of Miyunreservoir are more and SD. OD are less than that in other regions of the reservoir. UsingSD, Chla, TP, COD as indexes, the Carlson component is computed. By analysing the tropb-ic condition of water body. the region of net-cage fishculture belons to meso-eutrophic andthe other regionsin the reservoir belong to mesotrophic. Intensive feeding and fishes' excre-ment accumulated in the region of net-cage fishculture have increased the nutrients load-ing, destroyed the material exchange and energy flow, promotesd the eutrophication of wa-ter body.
Journal of Capital Normal University:Natural Science Edition