We have examined, in Part Ⅰ, the propagation mechanism and geostrophic property of classical Rossby waves in a non-divergent barotropic atmosphere. As we found that the non-divergent Rossby waves do not propagate in a hydrostatically equilibrium atmosphere, and do not manifest a good geostrophic property, an alternative large scale circulation pattern of geostrophic waves has been proposed (McHall, 1991a). The propagation mechanism and geostrophic property of these waves are examined in the present study.
We have examined, in Part Ⅰ, the propagation mechanism and geostrophic property of classical Rossby waves in a non-divergent barotropic atmosphere. As we found that the non-divergent Rossby waves do not propagate in a hydrostatically equilibrium atmosphere, and do not manifest a good geostrophic property, an alternative large scale circulation pattern of geostrophic waves has been proposed (McHall, 1991a). The propagation mechanism and geostrophic property of these waves are examined in the present study.