Gayiqiong deposit is a volcanogenic polymetallic ore deposit. Its geological and geophysical condi-tions are advantageous to the utilization of induced polarization method. Two induced polarization anomalous fields with a total length of 2200 m have been outlined in Gayiqiong polymetallic ore dis-trict in three years (1987-1989). The said two induced polarization anomalous fields consist of 8 lo-cal anomalies. Anomaly Ⅱ1 is 440 m long and 10-20 m wode within the scope of which a polymetal-lic orebody with a length of 360 m and a mean thickness of 9.11 m has been outlined by confirmation holes. Anomolies Ⅱ 2 Ⅱ 3 are about 1300 m long and 20-60 m wide within the scope of which a polymetallic orebody with a length of 870 m and maximum thickness(on the Earth's surface) of 21. 4 m has been outlined by confirmation holes. Moreover. there is a great induced polarization anomalous field to the southeast of the ore district. A polymetallic orebody has been found within the scope of this anomalous field by confirmation engineering, too.
Acta Geologica Sichuan
polymetallic ores,induced polarization method,anomalous field.