Abstract Monollonal antibody and flow cytometry were used to observe the effects of wat er-soluble and ethanol-soluble components in tabellae glucosidorum tripterygiitotorum(TGT)on peripheral blood lymphocytes(PBL).Results showed that there were similar effects of the 2 compo nents in TGT to PBL,the CD_4 and CD_8 positive cells all increased(P<0. 05).Meanwhile,both components enhanced the PHA-induction of CD_(25) expression. The ethanol component of TGT at 200 μg/ml had mitogenic effect on static phase lymphocytes. At 1mg/ml, it can inhibit the PHA mitogenesis effect on static lymphocytes. Our results showed that the water-soluble component of TGT has an immuno-enhancing effect on lymphoeytes in vitro,while the ethanol-soluble compo nent has an immuno-promoting effect at a low dose and has an immuno-suppressine effect at higher doses.Keywrods: tabellae glucosidorum tropterygiitotorum peripheral-blood lymphocyte
Journal of Shanghai Jiao tong University:Medical Science