Abstract Experimental investigations were carried out of the effects of waveforms includingtriangular, positive sawtooth,negative sawtooth,square and negative Pulse) and frequen-cics including l,5 and 20Hz) of cyclic loading on the fatigue crack propagation fFCPj forGC-4 (40CrMnSiMoVA) steel in neutral 3.5% NaCI solution.Test results show thatwaveform and frequency have great effect on FCP rates of GC4 steel in 3.5% NaCl solution.Moreover,test results also show that the static stress corrosion cracking(SSCC)anddynamic stress corrosion cracking (DSCC) can occur simultaneously in the corrosion fatigue ICF) process and that the DSCC may be able to occur at K(max)<KISCC.Based on theexperimental results and the analysis in this study,a modified process competition modelwas presumably proposed, which can reasonably explain the test results obtained in thisstudy.
Abstract Experimental investigations were carried out of the effects of waveforms includingtriangular, positive sawtooth,negative sawtooth,square and negative Pulse) and frequen-cics including l,5 and 20Hz) of cyclic loading on the fatigue crack propagation fFCPj forGC-4 (40CrMnSiMoVA) steel in neutral 3.5% NaCI solution.Test results show thatwaveform and frequency have great effect on FCP rates of GC4 steel in 3.5% NaCl solution.Moreover,test results also show that the static stress corrosion cracking(SSCC)anddynamic stress corrosion cracking (DSCC) can occur simultaneously in the corrosion fatigue ICF) process and that the DSCC may be able to occur at K(max)<KISCC.Based on theexperimental results and the analysis in this study,a modified process competition modelwas presumably proposed, which can reasonably explain the test results obtained in thisstudy.