AbstractIn this paper,first of all,the eigen expansions of stress and displacement fields satis-fying all governing equations, boundary conditions along crack surfaces and conditions ofcontinuity along hgament of two dissimilar media are derived.Next, the formula of con-servative integral J1 for the above media with interface crack is established and applied tothe case of detamination of composite laminate beam stacked orthogonally.Furtbermore,the coefficients of the above expansions are determined by generalized variational method,then the values of J1 can be obtained.The stress intensity factor Kn found directly fromthe leading term of the above expansions agrees with that indirectly from J1 satisfactorily,the convergency of results with increase of number of terms in the above expansions is verynice and values of J1 obtained from different paths of integration keep constantaccurately.
AbstractIn this paper,first of all,the eigen expansions of stress and displacement fields satis-fying all governing equations, boundary conditions along crack surfaces and conditions ofcontinuity along hgament of two dissimilar media are derived.Next, the formula of con-servative integral J1 for the above media with interface crack is established and applied tothe case of detamination of composite laminate beam stacked orthogonally.Furtbermore,the coefficients of the above expansions are determined by generalized variational method,then the values of J1 can be obtained.The stress intensity factor Kn found directly fromthe leading term of the above expansions agrees with that indirectly from J1 satisfactorily,the convergency of results with increase of number of terms in the above expansions is verynice and values of J1 obtained from different paths of integration keep constantaccurately.