
七氟醚和氨氟醚低流量麻醉在临床麻醉应用中的副作用比较 被引量:4

Comparison of clinical side effect with sevoflurane and enflurane in low flow anesthesia
摘要 目的:对七氟醚和氨氟醚在低流量麻醉临床应用时的药物摄取、排除及苏醒和不良反应等情况进行比较。方法:58例ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级腹部肿瘤患者随机分成两组,采用低流量麻醉技术分别吸入七氟醚(S组)和氨氟醚(E组)。麻醉诱导插管后连接Drager麻醉机,七氟醚组挥发罐浓度设置为(Fv)1.2~1.8 MAC(minimum alveolar anesthetic concen-tration,最小肺泡麻醉浓度)(2%~3%);氨氟醚组挥发罐浓度设置为(Fv)2.2~2.6 MAC(2.5%~3.0%),均与氧气混合使用。手术过程进行监测。观察患者苏醒时间、有无苏醒期躁动、恶心呕吐及对麻醉的满意度。结果:两组患者麻醉之后到气腹前的MAP(mean airway pressure,平均气道压)、HR(heart rate,心搏率)值偏低,在气腹时两个数值均升高,但是两组之间比较差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。术后苏醒期躁动和恶心呕吐发生率S组为25%(7/29)和0%(0/29),E组分别为35%(10/29)和10%(3/29),两组比较差异均有统计学意义(χ2=3.43、4.65,均P〈0.05)。结论:七氟醚麻醉诱导快,苏醒期平稳,术后恶心呕吐发生率低,效果更好,副作用较小。 Objective: To compare the differences of absorption,elimination,emergence process,adverse effects between sevoflurane and enflurane in low flow anesthesia.Methods: 58 ASA Ⅰ-Ⅱ patients were randomly divided into two groups,the sevoflurane group(group S) and enflurane group(group E).Drager anesthesia machine was connected after the anesthetic intubate with vaporizer concentration(Fv) 1.2-1.8 MAC(minimum alveolar anesthetic concentration)(2%-3%) for sevoflurane/O2 and(Fv) 2.2-2.6 MAC(2.5%-3.0%) for enflurane/O2.The surgical process was monitored.Results: The MAP(mean airway pressure) and HR(heart rate) were on the low side from anesthesia to pneumoperitoneum,then elvated a little after pneumoperitoneum.There were no differences between the two groups in this respect(P0.05).The incidence rates of nausea and restlessness in the postoperative recovery period were lower in the group S(25% and 0) compared to group E(35% and 10%)(P0.05).Conclusion: The anaesthetic induction with sevoflurane have a faster rate,more stable anesthesia recovery period and lower incidence rate of nausea after surgery,that means a better therapeutic effect and less side effect.
作者 张玲美
出处 《中国医药导报》 CAS 2011年第33期88-89,共2页 China Medical Herald
关键词 七氟醚 氨氟醚 低流量麻醉 Sevoflurane Evflurane Low flow anesthesia
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