Experiments were carried out on rats anaesthetized with uraethane. The sponta-neous discharges and nociceptive responses of convergent neurons in the right trigerninal nucleus cau-dalis(TNC) to noxious stimuli at receptive field (cheek) were recorded extracellularly with glass mi-cro-electrode. Electroacupuncture (EA ) was applied at bilateral " Xiaguan" (ST 7 on face ) or "Zusanli" (ST 36 on shank) acupoint with Iow (2V) and high (18V) intensity. The noclceptive re-sponse of convergent neurons in TNC could be inhihited by low intensity EA applied at "Xiaguan" butnot "Zusanlil", showing the specificity of acupoints. High intensity EA at either "Xiaguan" or "Zusan-li" also reduced the nociceptive responses, showing the analgesic extensiveness of acupoints. We sug-gest that "the gate of control" mechanism plays a main role in low intensity EA and "diffuse noxiousinhibitory controls" (DNIC) rnechanism does so in high intensity EA.The results suggest that we should pay attention to the location of acupoints,
Experiments were carried out on rats anaesthetized with uraethane. The spontaneous discharges and nociceptive responses of convergent neurons in the right trigeminal nucleus cau-dalis(TNC) to noxious stimuli at receptive field (cheek) were recorded extracellularly with glass micro-electrode. Electroacupuncture (EA) was applied at bilateral ' Xiaguan' (ST 7 on face) or ' Zusanli' (ST 36 on shank) acupoint with low (2V) and high (18V) intensity. The nociceptive response of convergent neurons in TNG could be inhibited by low intensity EA applied at 'Xiaguan' but not 'Zusanli' , showing the specificity of acupoints. High intensity EA at either 'Xiaguan' or 'Zusanli' also reduced the nociceptive responses, showing the analgesic extensiveness of acupoints. We suggest that 'the gate of control' mechanism plays a main role in low intensity EA and 'diffuse noxious inhibitory controls' (DNIC) mechanism does so in high intensity EA.The results suggest that we should pay attention to the location of acupoints, the manipulation and the intensity of acupuncture in clinic.