We have performed operations on the patients with perforation of gastric ulcer forsubtotal gastrectomy under acupuncture combined with epidural anesthesia of smaIl dosage (studygroup) or epidural anesthesia only(control gr0up) at rand0m, 2O cases in each group. There is no ob-vious difference of successful rates between tw0 groups (P】O. O5). But the fluctuation of the bloodpressure of the study group is smaller than that of the control group(PwtO- O1 ); the comparison of thefluctuations of capacity of vessel and the changes 0f TMwave of ECG before and during operationshows that the study group is better than control gr0up (PrO. O1, P【O. O5, respectively); in thestudy group, WBC is decreased significantly after operation, while in the control guoup, CRP(C-re-active pr0tein) is markedIy increased, there are significant differences of these indices between twogroups(P【0. 05, respectively); complement C<sub>3</sub>, IgA, IgG and IgM are decreased to a different ex- tent after operation in both groups, but the
We have performed operations on the patients with perforation of gastric ulcer for subtotal gastrectomy under acupuncture combined with epidural anesthesia of small dosage (study group) or epidural anesthesia only (control group) at random, 20 cases in each group. There is no obvious difference of successful rates between two groups(PX). 05). But the fluctuation of the blood pressure of the study group is smaller than that of the control group(P<0. 01) ; the comparison of the fluctuations of capacity of vessel and the changes of T-wave of ECG before and during operation shows that the study group is better than control group (P<3. 01, P<0. 05, respectively); in the study group, WBC is decreased significantly after operation, while in the control guoup, CRP(C-re-active protein) is markedly increased, there are significant differences of these indices between two groups (P<C0. 05, respectively); complement C3, IgA, IgG and IgM are decreased to a different extent after operation in both groups, but the decreased degrees of them are smaller in the study group, there are marked differences(P<0. 05, respectively) between two groups except IgM; in the study group, exsufflation from the anus after operation appears prior to that of the control group; and the days of hospitalization after operation in the study group is shorter than that in the control group (P< 0. 01 and P<0. 05 respectively).