Prefessor Liu Shuhui, a psychologist, goes down to sports teams and lives with athletes all the year round engaging in psychological research. She believes that there must be psychological causes in athletes who possess the power to win gold medals at Olympics but displayed abnormally. So, analysis must be based on the psychological cause of athletes' competitive psychological character.Competitive psychological character is the synthesis of athletes and various psychological characters related to performance in competition, such as self- confidence, incentive to achievement, active thinking and ability of emotion control and willpower etc. Will includes consciousness, persistency, resolution and self-control. The competitive character of each athlete is acquired gradually, based on innate quality through education and temper, especially the accumulation of experiences in major competitions. The psychological character of athletes plays a great part in competition. Consciousness decides athletes' firmness to be daring and courageous; persistency decides athletes' ability to deal with setbacks; resolution decides athletes' ability to conduct changes in competition and self-control decides athletes' ability to adjust and control their emotions. Without these qualities, athletes can not perform well.She points out that we can find causes from the polarization of emotions on the part of athletes who display either below their level or above their level in competition. If an athlete's ' emotion is in the state of positive gaining, his/her performance will be well above his usual level; conversely, his performance will be below his usual level. Overnervousness is related with excessive achievement motive which brings about inhibition to the body functioning and leads to under psychological and improper movements. Therefore, in selecting athletes, we must attach importance to the psychological aspect and pay attention to persons with type of strong nervous activities.
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