一、直拍反手技术的优点 直拍快攻选手反手攻球站位近,动作小,出手快,突然性强,抢先上手可打乱对方节奏,赢得主动权,给正手抢攻、抢拉创造机会。 二、直拍反手技术的训练 (一)初级阶段 年龄6~8岁,每日练习40分钟。球台高度50厘米为宜,球台过高了,少儿反手攻球会受限制。
The backhand attack of fast-attackers with pen-grip bears the characteristics of staying close to the ta-ble, fast and small range of movements and suddenness of the strike, therefore, it can break the rythem of his / her oppenent and have the initiative to bring about forehand attack or lift.The training of backhand technigues with pen- grip isconducted in three stages: Primary stage, with kids at the age of 6- 8 and height of the table 50cm, the trainning mainly involves backhand exercises and multi-ball exerciese at fixed spot. Intermediate stage, with kids at the age of 8-10 and the height of table 65cm, training involves backhand return attack to angled block, angled forehand and straight attack to the left side of the table by the trainer. Advanced stage, with kids at the age of 10-13 and height of the table 76cm, training involves backhand return attack to balls of different attack and from different position by the trainer: Attack after service, backhand loop, sudden low attack, medium and away- from- the- table backhand lifted drive with inward-pimpled-rubber bat.Supplementaryexercises to the training of backhand techniques with pen-grip involve strengthening fore-arm and wrist with small dumb-bell and iron-bat, strengthening footwork to enhance leg strength, flexibili-ly and speed, and developing idea and will of backhand attack.
Chinese Sports Coaches