Golden Wedding Anniversary Celebrations Held in Beijing
Golden Wedding Anniversary Celebrations Held in Beijing
11999:A Golden Year[J].China's Tibet,1999,10(1):1-1.
2LIU CHEN.A Wedding in the Sky[J].China Today,1996,45(11):52-54.
3Sustaining a 'Golden Age'[J].Beijing Review,2007,50(4):12-13.
4刘锦前,李立凡.阿富汗毒品交易与禁毒现状[J].国际资料信息,2006(4):24-26. 被引量:2
5XIU HUA.Strike a Pose:The Golden Girls[J].Women of China,1999(4):14-14.
6巴勒斯坦 谁要回到谁的家[J].新华航空,2011,0(11):50-51.
8Cao Ping, Yuan Jie.Foreign Friends Advise Their Second Hometown[J].Voice of Friendship,2006(1):40-42.
9Kojo Amoo-Gottfried.Towards Golden Jubilee of Signing of Friendship Treaty in Beijing[J].Voice of Friendship,2011(2):36-38.
10Syed Ali Nawaz Gilani.60 Golden Years of New China[J].Voice of Friendship,2009(Z1):21-24.