Thesyntheticfragmentofrabbitblastocystpeptide_2 anditsphysiologicalsignificancerelevanttothe mechanismofimplantationCaoYongqi...
The amino acid sequence of purified rabbit blastocyst peptide,(RBP_2) was analyzed. Itcontains 54 amino acids from which the sequence of aa4 to aa34 is the same as the N-terminal sequenceof uteroglobin by sequence comparison. A high antigenic region consisting of 15 as sequence from theRBP_2 was selected , and was used to generate a synthetic peptide fragment (SPF). The effect of SPF onlymphocyte proliferation was analyzed hy a method of immunocytochemical assay detecting BrdU incor-poration in cellular DNA. The results indicated that no obvious inhibitory effect of SPF on T cell proli-feration at the concentration ranging from 80μg to 320μg/ml was found. While RBP_2, at concentrationranging from 20 μg to 60 μg/ml ,has significant effect that is a dose depenednt manner. It was suggestedthat the immuno-suppressive effect of SPF is less than RBP_2. We have also observed that SPF in theconcentration ranging from 45μg/ml to 180μg/ml can inhibit PGF2α secretion in a dose dependent man-ner. On the other hand, the  ̄3H-leucine incorporation of rabbit endometrium was enhanced by SPF(180μg/ml)and this action can be blocked by the addition of protein inhibitory agent , actidine.
Journal of Reproductive Medicine