Becausethe information contained in a wave function is not enough to describe an individual particle, the suggestion to define the state of a particle by two-wave functions is used. In the double-wave description, a general formula telling the traversal time of a particle in tunneling is obtained. When the double-wave description over an initial parameter is averaged , it reduces to the usual description. Two new relations between the transmission and the reflected coefficients are founded in the new cescription.
Becausethe information contained in a wave function is not enough to describe an individual particle. the suggestion to define the state of a particle by two-wave functions is used. In the double-wave description. a general formula telling the traversal time of a particle in tunneling is obtained. When the double-wave description over an initial parameter is averaged. it redurn to the usual description. Two new relations Letween the tmnsmission and the reflected cwfficients are fwnded in the new cescription.
ThisworkwassupportedbytheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina (GrantNo .197740 0 7)