The Juancheng chondrite, a new meteorite falling recently in Juancheng County, Shandong Province, China, is classified as an H5 (S2) chondrite based on the compositions of olivine (Fa= 19.2, σ Fa=0.46) and low-Ca pyroxene (Fs=16.9, σ Fa=0.4). The plagioclase in the Juancheng chondrite is rich in CaO, indicating a relatively high metamorphic temperature the parent body underwent.
The Juancheng chondrite, a new meteorite falling recently in Juancheng County, Shandong Province, China, is classified as an H5 (S2) chondrite based on the compositions of olivine (Fa= 19.2, σ Fa=0.46) and low-Ca pyroxene (Fs=16.9, σ Fa=0.4). The plagioclase in the Juancheng chondrite is rich in CaO, indicating a relatively high metamorphic temperature the parent body underwent.
ThisworkwaspartlysupportedbytheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina (GrantNos .49772 0 98,197730 0 4)