The paper describes a new species of the genus Sinocyclocheilus (Cyprinidae, Barbinae) from Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,China.Holotype and paratypes (Nos:89VII001, 89VII002, 89VII004) were deposited in the Natural History Museum of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China. Sinocyclocheilus guangxiensis sp. nov.(Figs 1~2). Dorsal fin-8; anal fin ii-5~6;pecforal fin i-11~12; ventral fin i-7~8;Lateral line scales 31-35; Gillraders 1-2+7;Pharyngeal teeth 224-422. Total body length 13620 mm~14960 mm, standard body length 11340 mm~12200 mm.Body depth 32~33 in standard length , head length 29 mm~31 mm,length of caudal peduncle 61 mm~74 mm,depth of caudal peduncle 77 mm~86 mm.Snout 16 mm~17 mm in head length, length of rostral barbel 47 mm~49 mm,length of maxillary barbel 48 mm~49 mm, interorbital space 29 mm~33 mm, Width of mouth 35 mm~38 mm.Depth of caudal peduncle 11 mm~14 mm in length of caudal peduncle. Holotype:No. 89VII001, total length 149.60 mm,standard body length 12140 mm,it was collected from Longhuang cave in Tongle town of Leye county of Guangxi(24°40′~24°50′N,106°30′~106°45′E) on July 25, 1989 Paratypes:No89VII002 and 89VII004, total length 13620mm~14600mm, standard body length 11340mm~12200mm, collected at the same locality as Holotype. No. 89VII004 was collected on July 28,1989. The new species can be distinguished from all known species of the genus in having less scale in the lateral Ling 31~35 versus 46~78.It naked vesembles Sinocyclocheilus anatirotris Lin et Luo,S.anophthalmus Chen et Chu,S.angularis Zheng et Wang and S.hyalinus Chen et Yang,but it differs from the later in the dorsal fin of first unbranched ray very little as sesame,and last unbranched ray soft and lacking serration,and in the frontal process frominence of head in hind.
Guangxi Sciences
Cyprinidae, Sinocyclocheilus, new species,blind cave fishes