方法 本文报道28例甲状腺机能亢进症合并糖尿病患者,其中男7例,女21例;年龄24—68岁,平均46.5岁.IDDM9例,NIDDM19例。病程中甲亢症状先于糖尿病者11例,糖尿病先于甲亢者10例,同时发生者7例。间隔半月至21年不等,平均5年左右。结果和结论 对甲亢合并糖尿病的发生机理、诊断问题及治疗方法等作了初步探讨。
Objectives 28 cases of Hyperthyroidism (HT) companied by Diabetes Mellitus (DM)were reported, including 9 IDDM and 19 NIDDM (7 males and 21 remales, aged 24 -68 years, mean 46. 5). There were 11 HT and 10 DM with the onset of one disease earlier than the other. The interval wes half month to 21 years (mean: 5 years) . Two diseases occured simutaneously in 7 cases. Result and conclusion Pathoganesis, diagnosis and therapy of HT accompanied by DM were discussed Preliminarily.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Healthcare