Purpose To summarize the results of gene analysis for five types of gly cophorin (GP) variants found in a screening survey conducted in several regions of Southern China Data sources Papers cited in Chinese biochemical and biomedical literat ures with a bibliographic review of articles relevant to hematology and biochemistry Study selection All GP variant reports of our research group published d uring 1991-1997 were included Data extraction Data concerning 5 types of GP variants found in Souther n China were briefly abstracted GP variant frequencies with their phenotypes a m ong 3 districts and those among Han,Li, Buyi and Yao ethnic groups were calculat ed Results Five phenotypes of GP variants were identified from 180 unrelated healthy individu als (Hunan, Hainan) and 222 residents of a tertian malaria hyperendemic ar ea (Guizhou), using immunoblotting techniques, Southern hybridization and PCR direct sequencing Conclusions These five types of GP variants were first reported in Chin a There were some differences in the geographical distribution of GP variants among Hunan, Hainan and Guizhou districts Mi GP was commonly found in nation a l minorities of Li and Buyi, while the frequency of Sta GP occurrence was cons iderably higher in Han ethnic group The frequency of GP variants in a malaria h yperendemic area of Guizhou Province does not depend upon the severity of tertia n malaria morbidity