The dynamic stress intensity factor (DSIF) and the scattering of SH wave by circle canyon and crack are studied with Green's function. In order to solve the problem, a suitable Green's function is constructed first, which is the solution of displacement fields for elastic half space with circle canyon under output plane harmonic line loading at horizontal surface. Then the integral equation for determining the unknown forces in the problem can be changed into the algebraic one and solved numerically so that crack DSIF can be determined. Last when the medium parameters are altered, the influence on the crack DSIF is discussed partially with the displacement between circle canyon and crack.
采用Green函数方法研究了位于圆孔径方向上的任意有限长度的直裂纹对SH波的散射及裂纹尖端动应力集中因子的影响 .首先 ,取含有半圆形缺口的弹性半空间水平面上任意一点承受时间谐和出平面线源载荷作用时的位移函数作为Green函数 .其次 ,推导了圆孔、裂纹对SH波散射的定解积分方程组 ,进而求得裂纹尖端动应力强度因子 .最后讨论了当介质参数不同时 。